Transient students are currently working toward a degree at another college or university and would like to take courses at Zane State College and have the credits transferred back to their home institution. This status is ideal for students home for the summer who are looking to get ahead or catch up on the degree program at their home institution.

Be sure to contact the Financial Aid Office at your home institution for questions you may have about paying your tuition while you attend Zane State College. You may also want to consider self-pay options such as cash, check, or credit card.

Students interested in taking courses at Zane State College as a transient student should contact Admissions in Student Services.

How do I “go transient”?

A transient student wishing to take coursework at Zane State College must provide the following:

  1. Provide to the Admissions Office in Student Services the student authorization from your home institution. This is a formal approval to enroll in another college; it confirms that you are in good academic standing, have successfully completed any applicable prerequisites for the course(s) you wish to enroll, along with the name of the approved course(s) to be taken at Zane State College, and a verification that your home school accepts successfully completed course work.

The Admissions Office will contact students via the Zane State College issued email regarding the status of their request for transient student status.

After completing the semester/session, submit a transcript request form to transfer course(s) to your home college/university. Click here access Transcript Request and Ordering information.



Transient Restrictions

  • Transient registration does not imply acceptance to Zane State College as a degree-seeking student.
  • Financial aid is not available for transient students.
  • Transient students are subject to the same registration (add/drop/withdrawal), academic standing and payment policies that apply to degree-seeking students.